Meet Allysia

/Meet Allysia
Meet Allysia2020-11-19T15:52:17+00:00

Allysia has been with us at the studio since August 2019, starting as our apprentice and now is one of  our junior artists.

Ally first came to us after completing her degree in Art and Design at Bedford College, looking to transfer her skills from paper to skin. We were immediately impressed by her portraiture work, particularly of our favourite bad boy, Peaky Blinders’ Thomas Shelby. Her artistic influences include painter and tattooist Shawn Barber and James Mylne, famous for his biro portraits, who personally recognised an artist copy by Allysia posted on her Instagram!


Getting down to business, Ally has proved very popular for her delicate, feminine line-work work but also turns her hand to the Neo Traditional and geometric styles, characteristic of her favourite tattoo artists Magda Hanke and Rich Harris. Recently, she’s been smashing her Realism work; check out her Instagram (@allysia_tattoo) to see a beautiful rose she recently carried out. If you’re not already following her, you’ve missed her 1000 followers give away… but keep your eyes peeled for the 2000!