When is the best time to get tattooed and pierced?

/, Tattoos/When is the best time to get tattooed and pierced?

Many people start to think more about getting tattoos and piercings in the summer when they expose their bodies more, but is this really the best time? Exposure to direct sunlight causes tattoos to fade, but exposing a healing tattoo to the sun presents an even bigger problem. New tattoos are extremely sensitive and you should keep them out of the sun to make sure that they heal properly. When you get a tattoo in the colder months, when you’re less likely to be walking around in a bikini or Speedos, there is significantly less chance of sun exposure and you have time for your tattoo or piercing to heal before swimsuit season begins.

The same applies for piercings. O.K, the sun isn’t going to affect it in the same way, but as with tattoos, you must avoid immersing it in water, so forget about swimming pools and hot tubs while you’re healing. Also, forget about that refreshing dip in the water at the beach, river, lake… you name it; all those nice water activities in the summer… right out. There is always a chance of infection with a new piercing or tattoo, so you must follow aftercare advice, or you may find your new artwork or sexy piercing not looking so hot! During the healing period, piercings and tattoos can look unappealing, so if you want to be body beautiful and show off your new artwork or jewellery, get it well in advance so it is healed by the time you want to show it off.

Those restrictions don’t sound like much, but they can put a serious damper on your summer. If it’s a simple, small tattoo that is going to heal in two or three weeks, less of a big deal, but if you’re going back under the needle every 3-4 weeks for another session on a large piece, your entire summer can be impacted very quickly. Scabbed up, manky tattoos and piercings are not only a pain to deal with during any time of year, they can permanently damage the appearance of what you paid good money for, so it’s worth looking after them. Even when they’re healed it is important to continue using sunblock or high factor suncream on your tattoo to preserve it and keep its colour.

Think about what tattoo design you want and if it’s a big piece, how many sessions will you need for it to be finished and healed enough to show off? Don’t expect to get a full sleeve or a nice chest piece in one session! How long does a piercing take to heal? Check that out too before considering getting one a week before jetting off to sunnier climes, when you might be wanting to frolic in the sea or dance the night away at that foam party!!

One thing we wouldn’t recommend is getting a tattoo or piercing while on holiday, for all the reasons already explained, but never is it a wise idea to get these things done when drunk or somewhere you can’t return to should you have issues. Also, it is unlikely that you really want to be faffing about cleaning your new tattoo or piercing while you’re on your hols!

Saying all that, there can be some advantages to having tattoos and piercings in the summer, as you won’t have as many clothes rubbing and catching on it, for example a tattoo placed on the foot will heal better if you’re wearing flip-flops and don’t have anything covering it, but you do need to be careful as previously mentioned about following aftercare and keeping it out of the sun etc.

Studios are generally busier in the summer and it is often easier to get an appointment in the winter months, so start thinking ahead and get booked in now, ready for your holidays.
